Project Name: Rozšíření výzkumné a vývojové kapacity společnosti QUINTA-ANALYTICA, s.r.o.
Project Number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_338/0023928
EUROPEAN UNION, European Regional Development Fund, OP Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness
The purpose of the project was to built a new research and development laboratory in Brno, which led to the expansion of the existing research and innovation capacity. In the frame of this significant project a top workplace equipped with the latest instruments and equipment for the analysis of medicinal products was created.
The research infrastructure is available to other users as a commercial service.
The list of the technologies offered for R&D purposes:
- Liquid chromatograph 1260 + ELS detector
- Liquid chromatograph 1260 + VW detector
- H-Class Liquid Chromatograph
- H-Class liquid chromatograph + RI detector
- Agilent 8890 Gas Chromatograph with Mass Detector
- GC/MS/MS Instrument
- LCMS instrument with accessories
- Fully automated dissolution system including UV spectrometer
- Xtend on/offline with FS and SAM including spectrophotometer – UV7
- Microbalances
- Analytical balances
- Hardness Tester, Disintegrator Tester
- Centrifuge
- Particle size analyser
- Laminar box for particle sizer
- Sleeve isolator
- Oscillating Ball Mill
- Fire-resistant chemical storage box
- LIMS system
Further information are available upon request on pavel.pihera@quinta.cz.