QUINTA-ANALYTICA, as part of Conscio Group, along with our network of companies, is looking forward to reconnecting with our current partners and friends, as well as establishing new collaborations at the pharmaceutical event of the year.

Visit us at the Conscio Group booth 22G4 in the Integrated Pharma Hall to explore how our combined expertise can drive drug development in innovative formulations, pharmaceutical research, analytical solutions for pharmaceuticals and biologics, and clinical development, including trials and bioanalysis.

You’ll also have the opportunity to meet our strategic partner, Kiel Laboratories, based in USA, who specializes in supporting pharmaceutical companies in bringing new drugs to market, particularly through the 505(b)(2) process of the US-FDA approval.

If you’re interested in arranging a meeting with us, please reach out to your business representative or send an email to sales@quinta.cz, and we will schedule a time slot for you.

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